Stanford University – Huang Engineering Center
David Carroll Associates was asked to facilitate a multi-million dollar AV job for the Stanford Center for Professional Development (SCPD) at the Huang Engineering Center at Stanford University. The SCPD connects engineering professionals worldwide with the resources and faculty at the Stanford University School of Engineering.
The multi-phase project encompassed three main sections:
Designing and building three high definition video classrooms.
Designing and building 25 other AV enabled spaces, including multiple small conference and breakout rooms, a large boardroom, a café and general circulating areas.
Designing and building an executive boardroom.
DCA’s work in the Huang Engineering Center showcases the full range of our capabilities, including cost-effective design, custom electronics and a full complement of custom-designed technical furniture, such as:
Control room work station specifically designed to fit a difficult space.
Teaching station with a “walk in mode” controller, confidence monitor and elevator platform for the visualizer that improves usability.
Acoustically isolating projection enclosures.